The Shadowhunters: Casting, Jace

Hey guys, it’s Liv! I have exciting news. If you haven’t heard yet, The Mortal Instruments is becoming a show. This T.V. show feels so great, because second chances like this practically never happen. The movie flopped, big time, not because of the actors, mainly just the way it was marketed and the way it was adapted from the book. Since the series has been given another chance, it just feels like a sign that it is going to go well. Constantin Films, who made the The Mortal Instruments movie, announced their plans to recreate the Shadowhunter world in a television series in September 2014.  ABC Family was the network chosen to make this a reality. I wasn’t too excited when I heard that ABC Family was producing this show. I was really hoping that the CW would pick up this show because it just fits in so well with the other shows that they do, and do well, in my opinion. ABC Family wanted this because they are trying to re-brand and draw more older viewers to their network. The show has a guaranteed 13 episodes, which is good, we get a whole season to see this play out. On Monday, sorry this is so late, they announced who will be playing Jace in the show. Playing Jace is the one, the only, Mr. Dominic Sherwood.

Dominic Sherwood As Jace

Gorgeous, right? Dominic Sherwood was recently in Taylor Swifts’ music video for her song Style. He played Christian Ozera in the Vampire Academy movie adaption. This casting has the book world absolutely buzzing.  I’m interested to see how he does as Jace. Jamie was a really good Jace. I think Dominic will do a good job. I’ll try and update you guys each time a cast member is announced or there is more news. Filming is going to start this May, in Toronto, so there should be some news pretty soon! Until next time!

Top Ten Tuesday

Hey guys! Once again, it’s Tuesday. Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by The Broke And The Bookish. This week Top Ten Tuesday is Top Ten Inspiring Book Quotes. I don’t really know if these quotes are inspiring, but they are definitely some of my favorites. Here are my top ten, in no particular order.

10. “It doesn’t matter what we are. It matters what we do.”

~ Michelle Hodkin, The Evolution Of Mara Dyer.

9. “Fear is the mind killer.”

~ Frank Herbert, Dune.

8. “That’s what we all want, isn’t it? Power without price.”

~ Kelley Armstrong, The Summoning.

7. “A stereotype becomes a stereotype when a significant percentage of the population appears to conform to it.”

~ Kelley Armstrong, Dime Store Magic.

6. “I like the night. Without the dark, we’d never see the stars.”

~ Stephanie Meyer, Twilight.

5. “Do you know great minds enjoy excellence, average minds love mediocrity and small minds adore comfort zones?”

~ Onyi Anyado, Doorway To Distinction

4. “Nothing sparkly can stay.”

~ S.E. Hinton, The Outsiders.

3. “Girls like her, my grandfather once warned me, girls like her turn into women with eyes like bullet holes and mouths made of knives. They are always restless. They are always hungry. They are bad news. They will drink you down like a shot of whisky. Falling in love with them is like falling down a flight of stairs. What no one told me, with all those warnings, is that even after you’ve fallen, even after you know how painful it is, you’d still get in line to do it again.”

~ Holly Black, Black Heart.

2. “To love is to destroy, and to be loved is to be the one destroyed”.

~ Cassandra Clare, The Mortal Instruments, City Of Bones.

1. “She wears trouble like a crown. If she ever falls in love, she’ll fall like a comet, burning the sky as she goes.”

~ Holly Black, Black Heart.

Top Ten Tuesday

Hey, it’s Liv here with the latest Top Ten Tuesday, hosted by The Broke And The Bookish. This week, it is the Top Ten characters you’d like to check in on. So, it’s the characters that you wish you could know what they’re life is like after the book or series ended. This list started out as 6 couples and 4 single characters, but, some of the singles were from the same series as the couples, so I just lumped them together. Enjoy!

10. 9. and 8. Corey Carling, Daniel Bianchi, and Maya Delaney from The Darkest Rising Trilogy by Kelley Armstrong.

The GatheringThe CallingThe Rising

7. Calla Tor and Renier “Ren” LaRoche from The Nightshade Trilogy by Andrea Cremer.


6. Carmen Bianchi and Jeremy King from Virtuosity by Jessica Martinez.


5. Clary Fray and Jace Herondale from The Mortal Instruments by Cassandra Clare.

Mortal Instruments City Of BonesMortal Instruments City Of AshesMortal Instruments City Of GlassMortal Instruments City Of Fallen AngelsMortal Instruments City Of Lost SoulsMortal Instruments City Of Heavenly Fire

4. Bella Swan and Edward Cullen from The Twilight Saga by Stephenie Meyer.

TwilightNew MoonEclipseBreaking Dawn

3. Anna Oliphant and Étienne St. Clair from Anna And The French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins.

Anna And The French Kiss

1. and 2. Derek Souza, Chloe Saunders, and Simon Bae from The Darkest Powers Series by Kelley Armstrong.

The SummoningThe AwakeningThe Reckoning

Some of you probably won’t know who these people are, but you should definitely check out these books, they are definitely all in my top ten books ever.




City Of Heavenly Fire

A touching end to an amazing series.

Erchomai, Sebastian had said. 

I am coming.

Darkness returns to the Shadowhunter world. As their society falls apart around them, Clary, Jace, Simon and their friends must band together to fight the greatest evil the Nephilim have ever faced: Clary’s own brother. Nothing in the world can defeat him — must they journey to another world to find the chance? Lives will be lost, love sacrificed, and the whole world changed in the final installment of the Mortal Instruments Series.

Before I tell you about this book, you have to know, that I have been following these books since the second one came out, City of Ashes, and I got both of them for Christmas that year (Thanks Mom!). I was immediately sucked into the series. I love these characters, they’re impeccably likeable and relatable. You want to be friends with all of them, even Sebastian, Clary’s evil brother. This book didn’t disappoint.

“Temper us in fire, and we grow stronger. When we suffer, we survive.”

Okay, when I got this book, I was so excited, I got this back in June, when it came out. I will always remember this day because I had a massive case of pink eye, I didn’t go to school that day, but I went to Barnes and Noble to pick up this book. It was that important to me. It took me a really long time to read this, I fell into a kind of reading slump, because it was the summer, I never really read that much in the summer. But this book did not deserve that. It was fantastic. I didn’t think she could make this series any better, but, oh, man, was I wrong.

“Clary,” Jocelyn said. “I want you to meet Tessa Gray.”

There are a couple of things that made this book so great for me. The characters and the situations. As I said before, I absolutely love these characters to death. They are really what made me stay and finish this series. I have to say though, I did not expect to like Sebastian’s character so much, I think that he is one of the most relatable characters in the entire series. He really just wanted acceptance, and returned affection, which is something I think everyone wants, I know I definitely do. Something really tough, though, is when Clary must decide to save Jace, even though she’s killing her only brother. She doesn’t really see him that way. For her, it’s save Jace, at all costs. She really struggles with this decision at the end of the book, though, and I found this very touching. The only person who really understood Sebastian was Jace. He has this strange, brother type bond with him. Jace knew that to save himself, Sebastian could not survive, and I think that this bothered him, if only a little bit. The situations in this book felt really desperate, and that kind of gave me something to hope for and to look forward to, I think that it really made things happen. Things that were really unexpected, and as it was happening I was surprised; all the time, plot twist after plot twist and it was simply fantastic. I also loved the new Dark Artifices characters, Emma Carstairs and The Blackthorne family. Helen Blackthorne and Julian Blackthorne had a brief cameo in The City Of Lost Souls, but it was really nice to see them more in-depth this time around. Cassandra Clare’s new series that comes out next fall is the Dark Artifices, and it was nice to get feel for what those book will be like before it comes out.

“There are memories that time does not erase… Forever does not make loss forgettable, only bearable.”


I really liked this book, in fact, I would say that I loved this book. It was exciting, emotional, and it felt like a really satisfying end to a series that was really, just absolutely fantastic. This series is a must read.